
This is a directory of all blog posts that I have written, shown in reverse chronological order.

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IOL, conclusion: wajah tersedu-sedu [iol]
The last few days of the IOL, as well as the several months to follow. (See part 1, part 2, and part 3.)

IOL, days 5-6: Seven pineapples [iol]
The 2017 IOL individual contest has just ended! (See part 1 and part 2.)

IOL, day 4: Hunting Hamilton [iol]
Adventures prior to the opening ceremony of IOL! (See part 1.)

IOL, days 1-4: We need to remove Andy’s brain [iol]
I’m going to the International Linguistics Olympiad! So I figured I’d document what happens along the way.

On math and memorization [math] [education]
Some thoughts on the current state of math education and how it could be improved.

Permission creep [code] [koan] [linux]
A novice monk, walking through the temple, came across a master performing system administration tasks.

The One True Date/Time Format [time]
Everybody I meet seems to have a different way of writing down dates and times. Of the myriad of possibilities, to me, there’s one that makes the most sense.

On the merits of “roll your own blog engine” [code]
This blog, along with the rest of my website, runs on a (currently, as of 1st draft) 214 SLOC Rust backend. So my first blog post might as well be an explanation of why I chose to do it this way.